Monday, August 25, 2008

Boating on Jordanelle

Rick's sister Belinda wanted to take the girls 0n the boat last weekend so we loaded up and headed for Jordanelle with her, Josh, & Grandma Linda. It was so great! It was a hot day, but not much wind until late in the day. We took the girls on the banana at first and it was pretty calm so they threw Darren on too. I was a little nervous, but so was Belinda, so they drove carefully when they kiddos were on. Annie didn't last long after this and Rick and I went out with just Carlyn. We both got thrown off the back and there is Carlyn hanging on the front like a trooper. She's great! They had fun throwing us off later when it was a lot choppier.
Later, Rick and Belinda both tried to wake board. Rick getting ready to try.

Bon & D on the beach. D took a short nap and we chilled out waiting for them. It really was awesome though. D is SO good in his play yard. We have a joke that he is Uncle Joey from Back to the Future. He's the uncle who is always in jail and when Marty goes back to the past Joey is the baby and loves the play pen.
We took a break for lunch. It really was the perfect place. There is a cove across from the marina. And we had enough food for an army :)
Annie's sandcastle she made with Grandma Linda.
Mom with Ann & D on the boat.
Carlyn didn't want to be out of the water much. She just had a ball!
Thanks Belinda and Josh for inviting us to share the fun day with you. We had a great time!!!


crystal said...

That looks so fun! It has been a while since I went boating!

Debbie said...

It looks like you had so much fun. I'm jealous that D likes his play pen so much. I can't get my little one to go in one for longer than 2 seconds without putting up a fight. Congrats on potty training. It's always such a good feeling to have it over with.

L said...

FUN! We were at Jordanelle too! We probably passed you. Your family is so cute!!!

Ms. Karlyn said...

Yes, my name is also pronounced Car Lynn, I always secretly wished that is was spelled that way because no one seems to get it right. I get CarOlynn, Care lynn, Car Lin, CarAlynn, jeez I could go on and on, but I bet with a "C" it isn't mispronounced as much. Glad to know there's another one out there. Where did you get it?

Anne-Marie said...

We were going to do Jordanelle on our trip, but scrapped it. Now I wish we did. What a fun day at the "beach".