Monday, August 25, 2008

A Few Fun Things

I wanted to post about a few fun things that happened in the last week or so. My Annie Bear has been doing great at potty training! We had to do a little boot camp, but that was over 2 weeks ago and since then, she has been awesome. She only had a couple accidents in the first couple days. Her reward for potty training was a date with Mommy to Knick-knack Donald's. She loved it. She chatted up a storm and told me all her favorite things and all about herself. She's really a hoot if you can get her to open up. She even told me that she didn't want to go to a playground McD's because she only likes them a little bit. She loved the little table just for the 2 of us. She's my little girl.

The girls were playing the other day and I wasn't paying attention. I looked down and realized that they had made this bug picnic. Annie has been obsessed with bugs lately and has quite a collection of plastic ones. Look closely. They had laid out a plate with a Lego or play food for a bug or two. I hate those huge black ants. They are all over my house and look like spiders.
This was a grandma's house. The piano was the only thing to keep D happy. Carlyn pulled him up and they both climbed up next to him.
This isn't very clear, but this is them playing with with my cousin Parker. Tonight we had a street party. We've done it for 4 years now. Its a lot of fun. You can't really see the kids all playing on the grassy area, but its so fun to have them all playing after a nice dinner where everyone pitches in and brings stuff.
Our awesome neighbors. We love it here.

1 comment:

Caryn said...

Oh, that picture of Parker really made me want him! I haven't seen him in FOREVER! You are so lucky to have him over for a visit! I'm sure you loved every minute!