I do have the hardest time cutting out pictures. I'll try to keep it down though. Our Pioneer Week started out with the Float Preview Monday night. The floats from the parade are there and you get to vote. As we got out of the car we saw my aunt Cindy and her kids Katie, Jilly, & Carson (no Alex.) When we got inside we saw family from the other side, aunt Emily, uncle Chuck, Grandma Potter, Alicia, Chali, John & their kids. It was so much fun! Here are a few awesome pictures:
Katie, Carlyn & Annie after face painting-A was mad I moved her face to see the ladybug.
Darren & Dad
A good close up of the float. If you didn't get to see it, you can't appreciate the size of the thing. It was 14 feet tall, 14 feet wide, & 45 feet long. It has the arch from Murray park, with ants having a picnic at the park, the old smokestacks-which go up and down and have smoke coming out and a fan that makes the "fire" blow out the top-, and the Indian chief head at the park entrance is on the back.
Rick had a blast working on the float and loved talking about it to anyone that would listen, so the preview was fun for him especially. BTW, the sound on our float WAS the best, even if we didn't win the people's choice award.
I never got a better picture. This is Katie holding Darren, Jilly, Carlyn, & Carson in front of the Noah float. Annie was running around somewhere.
Jilly & D (I love having helpers. It was wonderful being there with them.)
Tuesday my sister & mom were here to visit grandma so we went again with them, Grandma White, & Grandma Hilton. Our stake had an awesome setup of the trophies we'd won already, a slideshow & display of building the float and a kiddie pool full of sand that the kids could dig plastic ants out of. It was fun to take some ownership in the float. Our whole stake worked hard to make it so awesome.
The kids digging out ants (Annie's new favorite toy).
The crew the 2nd day. We had fun but we were tired and hungry by now.
The kids with Gma White
Carisa's kids with Gma Hilton
1 comment:
The float is awesome! Was it fun seeing it in the big days o 47 parade? I bet it got lots of oooos and aaaahhhhs.
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