Sunday, October 5, 2008

My Little Guy

I was noticing today how much more communicative my baby D is. Today he signed "thank you" for the first time. Later he was upset and I said I didn't understand him. He grabbed my arm and pulled and made some grunts so I got up and followed him. He pointed to the fridge and made another noise. I grabbed his sippy cup and said, "Is this what you want?" and he nodded his head. Wow! I was so impressed. I love it when they can communicate and tell you what they need or want. We have reached a new phase.

Also, I don't know what is up with him, I'm calling the dr tomorrow, but he's had a lot of really bad diarrhea lately. TMI? Sorry. Anyway, last night after he was in bed he kept crying so I finally went in, changed his diaper and tucked him in again. He was quiet for a minute and then cried. Desperate, I picked him up thinking that I really didn't want to nurse him again, but fearing that was what he wanted. But he was content for me just to hold him in the rocking chair. I rocked him for about ten minutes (he never lets me do that.) It was awesome snuggle time and he settled right down. Well, tonight his bottom is pure red again by bedtime and after I nursed him I turned him toward me for a snuggle. This is the part where he always pushes away and starts to play, but tonight he snuggled me back and started humming. I started humming and it was like he was singing with me. Oh I can't even begin to tell you how sweet it was. It was so special because I've rarely had any times like that with my little D.


crystal said...

That's so cute! He's humming? WOW! I need to do the whole signing thing. I never have...

Anne-Marie said...

Aren't those quiet, sweet moments the best times? Gabriel was the most cuddly baby for at least the first 18 months, but it's so hard to get him to chill out now.