Sunday, February 1, 2009

Ultrasound for Charlie

Thanks for voting in my poll. I am one who would have said I could never not find out, so I guess I would have been wrong! I'm now 21 weeks as of Friday. I had my ultrasound on Wednesday where they put my due date back 11 days, so not quite 2 full weeks. The new due date is June 12th, which is a Friday, so the doctor said he/she would be born a week earlier probably the 4th or 5th. It is always very reassuring, as many of you agree, to go to the ultrasound and see everything for yourself. I love to see the little one with his/her tiny heartbeat and see the spine, head, fingers, toes, etc. I just love it! I'm always quite paranoid until I can see it for myself.
In the first picture you can see a really good profile of the baby, on the tape you can see his/her mouth opening and closing as he/she swallows. (I hate to say "it".) In the 2nd picture you get a different view of the skull.
These pictures aren't as clear here as the actual ones, but the 3rd picture you can see the head again with one hand above the head and the other over the chest on the left side of the picture. Carlyn especially loved that she could see the hands. The last picture is where you can see the under side of the bum, the right leg and the feet. This is also the one that makes us think that possibly it could be a boy because there is a definite shadow there between, but the ultrasound tech said not to judge by that but she may have been covering up for showing us too much too. :) We really are okay either way. I think its a girl and Rick thinks it is a boy so we'll be happy with either and surprised either way!


Debbie said...

I'm so excited for you! It's always nice to get past the halfway mark.

L said...

SO glad to see that everything is healthy!!! Good luck with the 2nd half!!!

Aunt Geneal said...

Oh my gosh! Thank you for sharing! What a cute blog, Bonny you do such a great job in sharing your family memories! We got your adorable picture in the mail today and were thrilled to find the blog spot included. Whitney and I have spent all night reading laughing and loving your blogs about the kids and your life. Your kids are so cute! It was great to see all the funny things only kids can say. Love, Aunt Geneal