Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Yeah, we got a swingset!

Thanks to Ann, a random person from KSL classifieds who told me her daughter was getting rid of her swingset. Thanks to Katrina & Luke for the swingset. They said that someone had given it to them and they wanted to give it to someone who couldn't afford one and really needed it. I fit the bill and, after a phone call in need of a truck, I went to American Fork with Belinda & Josh and we brought home a used, free swingset! Thanks to them for their help too. The kids love it and so do I, except that its been very cold and snowed twice since we got it. The first day it was in pieces in the back yard and they would open the blinds to look out at their swingset. They would just sit at the kitchen table and talk about how much fun they would have playing on it. I think I was as excited as they were. We look forward to warmer days when we can really use it. Darren was really great in his bug while the girls played and I worked on the yard. Please don't notice how bad our yard is. We're working on it. I don't know why the pictures are so small, I'll try to fix them, but until then...
They really were having fun, but stopped so I could get a good picture.
Isn't it awesome?
Annie is a little scared of the regular swing, but she loves the one Carlyn is on in this picture. What a good & happy boy!


Jen said...

Yeah for the swingset! Yeah! I do know Marilee! She was my visiting teaching companion for a while. She is SO cute and nice. How cool that she got married! I hope she would remember me. She was such a sweet girl. It has been about 6 years since we were in the same ward :)

Katie said...

That is so exciting! How fun for you kids. :) We can't wait to come for a visit and play too.