It isn't easy being a mom of 3 kids under 5. Sometimes it is really hard. I try to balance between time for myself and each of them, housework, and the many other things a Mom does in a day. Somehow I feel like I'm failing in every area. Carlyn told me that I love Darren more than them and it made me sad. I do hold him more, but I do try to scoop them into my arms as many times a day as possible and tell them how much I love them. My house is a disaster (don't even get me started on the yard). Yet, somehow, I know that I'm doing a good job. We have family home evenings and many prayers with our children. I read to them. I talk to them and listen to them. I play with them. I get time away from them occasionally (yes, that's important). I know I'm not perfect, but I love my children. One reason I take (and post) so many pictures is because I need to see them sometimes to remind me why I really, truly LOVE being a Mom.
(Carlyn says meadows of Grover!)
That's what this picture reminded me of. Perfect for Mother's Day
These pictures of the girls in bed have a story behind them. The other day the girls were fighting all day and when I would step in and encourage them to be nice they would start yelling at me and sometimes saying really naughty things or take a swing at me. After all day of this I sent them to their bedroom so I could compose myself because I had yelled too much and was getting really angry. Anyway, I called my sister so I could calm down. She gave me a pep talk that reminded me why I'm a mom and that I do love them and they love me. We hung up and I went down to apologize and they were asleep. I kissed them and apologized anyway and then I took pictures. They look so innocent and perfect when they're sleeping. I felt horrible for yelling. It was only 6:30 at night. They woke up about 11 and had a snack and went back to bed. It was really frustrating at the time, but since then I've been able to keep calm even when they are fighting like cats and dogs. Even though I hate it when I yell, I was glad to have this experience and maybe it was most appropriate right before Mother's Day.
It's so nice to know that other moms go through the same challenges in a day that I do! Bonny, you are so great. Thanks for your good example. I'm going to make it down to see you one of these days!
I think it is easy to short change ourselves as Mothers. It is such a huge responsibility, but you are a wonderful Mother-i know that first hand! I hope you felt special today and what a sweet picture of slumber with the girls.
I think you are a great mom and I truly admire you for that! It's tough being a mommy and not always easy to admit there are days like this. Your kiddos are so cute - we love being near them and visiting in person this week! :)
I can tell (and I have always known) that you know what the most important part of being a mom is--the FHEs, saying prayers, loving your kids and taking cute pictures of them:) Thanks for your example...
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