Ah, Spring is in the air. Well, it feels like it some days when the weather is nice, but that's actually not what I'm talking about. Its that time of year for getting sick. UGH! Nothing worse on a nice warm day when everyone would rather be playing outside than sitting in the doctor's office.
As I mentioned in my birthday post, Darren had strep throat. He started on an antibiotic on my birthday and we were praying that's where it would end. Then the sore throats started about a week later. I had a dr appointment with my OB and he didn't want to mess with it and put me on an antibiotic. Then Darren started acting cranky again and Annie complained of a sore throat. That coupled with that facts that Rick's throat was white, red, & swollen, Darren had just had strep, and the kids had all been exposed unknowingly to Whooping Cough early this week, I decided to take the kids to the doctor on Thursday. Darren's strep was gone, but he now has an ear infection which explains the uncontrollable crying at night. Annie definitely had strep. Carlyn seemed to just be starting. The doc wasn't taking chances and put them all on something that will hopefully kill the strep and whooping cough. Rick went to the doctor that same night and is on an antibiotic too. So we are having a great time here :) Its really not too bad. They mainly just don't feel well, have small fevers, and don't want to eat anything so it could be worse. It is hard for them to be cooped up like this though. We didn't get grandma's visits or a trip to the library which are our 2 favorite outings every week. It is abnormal for Rick to get this sick so much in one year too. He's the worst off of us all. Poor guy, but has been working as much as he can.
On a side note I do want to say that I'm becoming a fan of the Shopko pharmacy. Its usually not very busy and depending on the medicine its the same price as Wal-mart. Its close to their doctor too but I really just love that its not crowded.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
I Forgot
(I knew I would forget some things in that post because I can't keep that many cute things in my brain. So please forgive me if I add a few more. I'm sorry I've been doing these so much lately, but since I don't keep a journal I need to write them here so they aren't forgotten.)
Did I mention that we learned over travels and holidays while sleeping in 1 room that Anneliese talks in her sleep? Usually it is, "No. I don't want you, I want Mommy!" or something to that effect. Pretty much what she says all day long. When we were in St. George she and I shared a bed and it was, "Move over!" even though I was totally on the edge of the queen size bed. :)
She and Carlyn have gotten in the habit of playing what they call "baby in the tummy." Usually this game requires 3, so it is when friends are over. One of them puts a baby doll or stuffed animal in their shirt and they are the patient "mommy" who is about to have a baby. The other 2 are doctors/nurses. I about laugh my head off because they think the baby comes out of the tummy which is partly my fault because when Carlyn asked where my babies come out I showed her, and I have C-sections. I said, they come out of my tummy after the doctors cut it open. I was glad they didn't ask where other people's babies come out. I admit, I didn't want to go there yet. Still it is funny. I kissed Annie asleep in bed when I got home tonight from a baby shower tonight and her lovey was in her pajama top. So funny!
Carlyn is in a phase where she says, "Mom, do you know what 1 + 1 + 1 + 100 + 100 + 1,000,000 + 1,000,000 + 1,000,000 is?" and is surprised when I can answer. She doesn't realize how easy she's making them.
Rick was really mad at the kids the other night putting them to bed. I forget why now, but at the time I thought he was a little madder than necessary so I went in and let him leave to calm down. Carlyn said, "Mom how come you are being nicer than Dad?" Rick about laughed his head off saying that I'm usually the one who's upset so she was confused.
Recently Carlyn said, "Our house is called the Sharing House." I asked what that meant and she said that we are all good sharers at our house. As a Mom that has to be one of the best things you can hear your child say. I was very happy. She is getting to be a better sharer and has shared even when I expected her not to. Being a good sport playing the wii is another story.
Did I mention that we learned over travels and holidays while sleeping in 1 room that Anneliese talks in her sleep? Usually it is, "No. I don't want you, I want Mommy!" or something to that effect. Pretty much what she says all day long. When we were in St. George she and I shared a bed and it was, "Move over!" even though I was totally on the edge of the queen size bed. :)
She and Carlyn have gotten in the habit of playing what they call "baby in the tummy." Usually this game requires 3, so it is when friends are over. One of them puts a baby doll or stuffed animal in their shirt and they are the patient "mommy" who is about to have a baby. The other 2 are doctors/nurses. I about laugh my head off because they think the baby comes out of the tummy which is partly my fault because when Carlyn asked where my babies come out I showed her, and I have C-sections. I said, they come out of my tummy after the doctors cut it open. I was glad they didn't ask where other people's babies come out. I admit, I didn't want to go there yet. Still it is funny. I kissed Annie asleep in bed when I got home tonight from a baby shower tonight and her lovey was in her pajama top. So funny!
Carlyn is in a phase where she says, "Mom, do you know what 1 + 1 + 1 + 100 + 100 + 1,000,000 + 1,000,000 + 1,000,000 is?" and is surprised when I can answer. She doesn't realize how easy she's making them.
Rick was really mad at the kids the other night putting them to bed. I forget why now, but at the time I thought he was a little madder than necessary so I went in and let him leave to calm down. Carlyn said, "Mom how come you are being nicer than Dad?" Rick about laughed his head off saying that I'm usually the one who's upset so she was confused.
Recently Carlyn said, "Our house is called the Sharing House." I asked what that meant and she said that we are all good sharers at our house. As a Mom that has to be one of the best things you can hear your child say. I was very happy. She is getting to be a better sharer and has shared even when I expected her not to. Being a good sport playing the wii is another story.
A Few Things I Don't Want To Forget
There are a few things my kids have said or done that I want to write down because I forget so many things already.
For example: On Valentine's Day I opened the blinds to show Darren the snow and he yelled, "No. No," (for snow) and ran to find his boots. He found one and brought it to me. That reminds me of when we were in CA at the mall having lunch with Barrett and Katie. The kids were playing at the play area and Rick went over to watch. When Darren saw him he ran to the shoe shelf, grabbed his Thomas the Train shoes and took them to Rick to put them on him. He just seemed like such a big kid and it was so cute. He loves Thomas now because of those shoes which are now too small. I almost cried when I put them away.
Lately he's been so snugly. Its just cute when he'll go up to one of the girls or Rick or me and just hug us tight. He usually does it over and over. We especially love it when he pats our back.
Anneliese is changing from our cute little toddler who says her c's at t's and l's as w's. Today she said, "tute" then corrected it with "cute". She doesn't call McDonald's "nick knack Donald's" anymore. She goes to play at friends houses sometimes. Instead of drawing scribbles and saying, "look, I'm writing," she says, "look at these letters I wrote," and will have written A's I's E's T's & M's. She can spell her name out loud if she focuses. She still has a little pixie hairdo because hers works better that way, but it would be so long if I stopped cutting it. She picks her own clothes now. She still says "actuwe" for "actually" but she uses it in appropriate places. I got her saying wrong in the last post and she says, "It doesn't matter and it does matter," all the time. She still wants only Mommy most of the time and can throw horrible fits sometimes.
Carlyn amazes me all the time at how grown up she can be. She wanted to borrow Mario Party from our neighbor and she went right up to him at church and asked if she could. Thanks BTW Brian. They love it and we'll have to bring it by soon. I wouldn't have dared do that when I was 5. Its amazing watching them play it too. Annie's got all the luck. She rolls high and usually can guess things pretty well. Carlyn can read just enough of it that she'll figure things out and teach Annie. They memorize a lot of course, but she asks words and remembers them. Some of the games are too hard for them to play, but some they really rock on.
Today in the car Carlyn was thoughtful and said, "I miss President Hinckley." Annie said, "He died." Carlyn said, "I know. I still miss him. He was a sweet man and its okay to miss him." It was so cute.
Almost everyday they ask to call Aunt Belinda (Rick's sister) or Uncle Mathew (my brother) or to go to their house or invite them over. Maybe it is because they are closest or don't have their own kids yet, but they sure love their aunt and uncle. On that same note, anytime grandma, grandpa or Mathew are mentioned, Darren says, "Mama. Papa," and runs to the door looking for them. After playing at Belinda's house with their dog Nala he would say, "Nala." Then when Belinda was mentioned or he saw her he would say, "Nala," again expecting the dog to be there. Or he would woof if he didn't say Nala.
The cutest thing I don't want to forget is that Rick said to Darren one night, "You are so adorable. Can you say adorable?" Darren's response to that was, "A-dor-a-bul." We were all amazed and thought it was the cutest thing so we kept trying to get him to say it again. He would either say "dora" or "bull" which was pretty funny too. Then a few days ago he brought me Annie's slipper that has Dora the Explorer on it. I said, "Yeah, is that Dora? Say Dora." He said, "Bull." Too funny!
We still have a few months, but they are concerned about what the baby's name will be. I already did a post on how they named it Charlie. Carlyn said, "I'm named after my great grandma. Annie's named after you. Darren's named after Dad. Who will the baby be named after?" I asked who she thought it should be named after and she thought about it. She asked what Dad's Dad's name was (he passed away). I told her it was Bruce. She said it was cute and maybe the baby's name should be Bruce. I said what if it was a girl and she couldn't come up with an answer. Actually, I've been wondering the same question. I'd like to have a family name for the middle name at least. I have several options if its a boy but I'm not sure about girl names.
For example: On Valentine's Day I opened the blinds to show Darren the snow and he yelled, "No. No," (for snow) and ran to find his boots. He found one and brought it to me. That reminds me of when we were in CA at the mall having lunch with Barrett and Katie. The kids were playing at the play area and Rick went over to watch. When Darren saw him he ran to the shoe shelf, grabbed his Thomas the Train shoes and took them to Rick to put them on him. He just seemed like such a big kid and it was so cute. He loves Thomas now because of those shoes which are now too small. I almost cried when I put them away.
Lately he's been so snugly. Its just cute when he'll go up to one of the girls or Rick or me and just hug us tight. He usually does it over and over. We especially love it when he pats our back.
Anneliese is changing from our cute little toddler who says her c's at t's and l's as w's. Today she said, "tute" then corrected it with "cute". She doesn't call McDonald's "nick knack Donald's" anymore. She goes to play at friends houses sometimes. Instead of drawing scribbles and saying, "look, I'm writing," she says, "look at these letters I wrote," and will have written A's I's E's T's & M's. She can spell her name out loud if she focuses. She still has a little pixie hairdo because hers works better that way, but it would be so long if I stopped cutting it. She picks her own clothes now. She still says "actuwe" for "actually" but she uses it in appropriate places. I got her saying wrong in the last post and she says, "It doesn't matter and it does matter," all the time. She still wants only Mommy most of the time and can throw horrible fits sometimes.
Carlyn amazes me all the time at how grown up she can be. She wanted to borrow Mario Party from our neighbor and she went right up to him at church and asked if she could. Thanks BTW Brian. They love it and we'll have to bring it by soon. I wouldn't have dared do that when I was 5. Its amazing watching them play it too. Annie's got all the luck. She rolls high and usually can guess things pretty well. Carlyn can read just enough of it that she'll figure things out and teach Annie. They memorize a lot of course, but she asks words and remembers them. Some of the games are too hard for them to play, but some they really rock on.
Today in the car Carlyn was thoughtful and said, "I miss President Hinckley." Annie said, "He died." Carlyn said, "I know. I still miss him. He was a sweet man and its okay to miss him." It was so cute.
Almost everyday they ask to call Aunt Belinda (Rick's sister) or Uncle Mathew (my brother) or to go to their house or invite them over. Maybe it is because they are closest or don't have their own kids yet, but they sure love their aunt and uncle. On that same note, anytime grandma, grandpa or Mathew are mentioned, Darren says, "Mama. Papa," and runs to the door looking for them. After playing at Belinda's house with their dog Nala he would say, "Nala." Then when Belinda was mentioned or he saw her he would say, "Nala," again expecting the dog to be there. Or he would woof if he didn't say Nala.
The cutest thing I don't want to forget is that Rick said to Darren one night, "You are so adorable. Can you say adorable?" Darren's response to that was, "A-dor-a-bul." We were all amazed and thought it was the cutest thing so we kept trying to get him to say it again. He would either say "dora" or "bull" which was pretty funny too. Then a few days ago he brought me Annie's slipper that has Dora the Explorer on it. I said, "Yeah, is that Dora? Say Dora." He said, "Bull." Too funny!
We still have a few months, but they are concerned about what the baby's name will be. I already did a post on how they named it Charlie. Carlyn said, "I'm named after my great grandma. Annie's named after you. Darren's named after Dad. Who will the baby be named after?" I asked who she thought it should be named after and she thought about it. She asked what Dad's Dad's name was (he passed away). I told her it was Bruce. She said it was cute and maybe the baby's name should be Bruce. I said what if it was a girl and she couldn't come up with an answer. Actually, I've been wondering the same question. I'd like to have a family name for the middle name at least. I have several options if its a boy but I'm not sure about girl names.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
My Birthday
I might not have posted anything for my birthday, but it turned out quite interesting. Not at all an ideal birthday, but it worked out fine. Its very important to the girls (and Rick) that I had a great day. First of all, Darren started running a fever of 101 to 103 on Sunday and has been extremely cranky and not wanting any food but no symptoms other than that. I thought it must be his ears, but didn't want to take him to the doctor for fear of just being told it was a virus.
So we started out the day as our normal Tuesday with visits to grandmas. We were going to have a lunch party at my grandma's house so I picked up my other grandma here in Salt Lake and headed to Centerville. Here there was no snow on the roads but in Centerville it had started sticking and was super slippery. My grandma lives on a very steep hill and we tried several times to get there, but after sliding all over decided we'd better just head home. It was a bummer because we were starving and my mom had tons of food, but my grandma couldn't go trekking up a huge hill. So she and I decided to go to lunch in Salt Lake instead.
We went to Arby's where Darren screamed the whole time. It was frustrating for me because I knew he didn't feel well, but my grandma got really upset too and that didn't help. Oh, I forgot to mention that I forgot my wallet at home too. Grandma treated us as her birthday present to me. I dropped her off and Darren fell asleep right before we got home and slept for about an hour.
My mom left grandma's early due to the storm and came to our house just before Darren woke up. He didn't want her and was being very grumpy to everyone, including me. It was fun to see her and my niece Evynn, though it was just for a few minutes. Evynn was so sweet and handed me a folded dollar bill and said it was my birthday present. It was so cute!
At this point Rick tried to settle Darren down, but it still took him over an hour after having ibuprofen. At this point I called the doctor's office. His doc was gone for the day, and the other doctors were full so we called kids care and got at appointment at 5:20. The biggest problem with that was that it messed up our plans for Rick to make a cake and a nice dinner (he hadn't gotten to the store due to Darren.)
We decided I'd take Darren to the dr while Rick took the girls present shopping. It didn't take the doc very long to figure out his throat was the cause of grumpiness. She swabbed his throat and gave him a popsicle. She also said it is very rare for kids under 2 to get strep and almost didn't test him. It came back positive though and after a brief conversation we were out of there in less than an hour.
The medicine finally kicked in and here's my little guy as he normally is, but for most of the day and most of the appointment he was screaming. He liked sitting on that little part of the table and he tried to turn off their computer several times too.
We decided at that point to eat at the Old Spaghetti Factory. One of my favorites, plus I know the kids will eat there. He was given his first dose before we ate and already seemed better. We were very pleased that Darren did not scream through dinner and actually ate a little bit too.
It was very important to the kids that we have a cake so we stopped at Smith's so I could grab the cake I wanted. We got home and they sang to me. After we ate carrot cake they gave me presents. I got a flat iron, just what I wanted, and a bath pillow. I like baths when I'm pregnant and I hate leaning against the cold tub so they were the perfect gifts. I took a bath while Rick put the kids in bed and then he and I watched the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2. My pick, not his :) All in all it turned out to be a good day, but mostly I was so much happier knowing Darren would feel better and he does already today.
Me with my flat iron and bath pillow. Yeah!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Valentine's Day
***I've tried to post this since Sunday, but Darren woke up with a fever that day and has been acting really grumpy. We learned tonight that he has strep, but that story will come in a different post.
We had a very nice Valentine's Day this year. First we woke up to snow. It didn't stick on the roads and didn't feel too cold so I didn't mind too much. Rick was shoveling snow so the kids and I got our snow clothes on and played. Darren got a big snowball and had no interest in throwing it, he only wanted to eat it. Annie and Carlyn thought it was fun to hit mom and dad. They also liked to shovel the grass. :)
Annie on left, Carlyn on right.
Here's D (yes, in pink snow pants!) eating the snowball.
After playing we went in for breakfast. I made goldenrod eggs, one of our favorites. A little while later Rick's Mom, Linda, came over with Maureen and Great Grandma White. We were glad they visited. The girls had worked hard on their valentines.
The girls with their new Valentine bears and candy from Grandma Linda.
Rick's sister, Belinda, wanted us to bring the kids in to see her at work. She gave us a tour where she and Josh work and the kids especially loved raising the lift for the cars. Oh, they also loved the play room at the dealership too.
After playing we went in for breakfast. I made goldenrod eggs, one of our favorites. A little while later Rick's Mom, Linda, came over with Maureen and Great Grandma White. We were glad they visited. The girls had worked hard on their valentines.
After that we came home and I made chicken cordon bleu for dinner. We watched Madagasgar 2 and had strawberry shortcake for dessert. After the kids were in bed Rick and watched Fireproof. I really liked that show and it was a good reminder of how to treat each other.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Pictures, Funnies, & Early Valentines Date
We'll start off with some recent pictures.
Last time I tried to do "preschool" with Annie she had no interest, but she seemed more interested lately "writing" all the time and wanting to write her name. So yesterday we did the letter A. As you can see, she did a great job and is very creative :) I only told her to write a few more A's after tracing the ones I'd written. When we were doing Valentines she started writing other letters, like T and I & E and was so proud. I didn't know she could do that. She really wants to write her name, but can't remember the letters in the right order for Anneliese. She says, "A-N-N-E-L-E-S-E-S-E". Pretty good, but not quite right. She knows how to spell Annie, but that's not what she wants.
I remembered a couple other funny things. When we were in the pool in St. George I asked Darren if he could say Sharice (remember he's mostly a grunter) and he said, "EEEE." We clapped appropriately and then Sharice said, "Can you say Evynn?" He looked at Sharice and looked at Evynn. He said, "EEEE," as he looked at her then turned to Sharice and said, "EEES." He was so proud of himself that he figured it out. Annie and Carlyn are a little jealous because he won't say their names again, but he calls them Mama which he thinks is funny so I guess it works.
I have to note here a few of the more annoying and also cute things that Darren does. As a Mom I have to note how different he is from the girls and how he's so persistent that it drives me crazy. Slapping his hand or saying no does not have any effect on him. I'm determined to never say, "Just wait until you have children," though. Here goes:
-I can't open the dishwasher with Darren around because he pushes the shelves in and shuts the door. He can also open it, so I have to keep the gate up to keep him out of the dishwasher and other cupboards he can reach. He loves to play with the grater if he can and colanders are his favorite but he'll take lids or anything he can bang together or anything sharp he shouldn't have.
-Then today as a bonus he climbed OVER THE GATE! So much for that. I don't know what I'm going to do.
-He also learned how to turn the doorknobs recently so I can never leave him out of earshot or become too distracted because he'll run to the bathroom and play in the toilet. He loves to splash in it. UGH!
-He also loves to get the bucket that has the bath toys and empty it into the bathtub. Luckily the toilet and tub are in different rooms or you could see where that might lead!
-He loves to climb on the little table that we have (one of the wooden circle ones) and just stand there. Recently he realized he can push it or the chairs around to get himself into things that are supposed to be out of his reach.
-He also loves his milk bottle. I can't lay him down without it, but I'm working on that. If he's still awake and bored he'll push the nipple down in the bottle and make a big mess. Gotta say I really hate that one.
-Its getting hard to change his diapers because he really struggles and he's too big for the changing table now. (Did I mention his growth spurt? He's now in the 75% for height!) He does love to sit on the training potty when we do so maybe potty training won't be too far away (cross my fingers!)
-I can't use the computer during the day or somehow he sneaks over and will turn off the computer when I'm right in the middle of something. That or he'll turn up the speakers so loud that it scares me to death. The girls would love to play PBSkids.org all day, but he does the same to them.
-He hates to blow his nose in a tissue, but he'll do it on his hand or my shirt. Ewww.
-He loves balls and throwing them, but sometimes he throws things that are inappropriate. Tonight he threw a keyboard (one Rick let them have as a toy) at my HEAD.
-He gets really jealous of Annie or another baby sitting on my lap. He'll push them out of the way and climb up. I explain to him that I have to legs and he can share. He's getting better when its Annie.
-He's at a very klutzy phase due to his growth spurt. He trips or runs into things constantly. I hate to see him get hurt but I have to admit that I don't usually react anymore.
-This isn't too new, but he's a picky eater and I never know what he'll eat. If he doesn't want it he throws it. Sometimes he shreds it and then throws it.
-This isn't too new, but he's a picky eater and I never know what he'll eat. If he doesn't want it he throws it. Sometimes he shreds it and then throws it.
Can you tell I love my son? I really do, but he's all boy and so different. Well, enough of that. Annie's new thing is saying, "Its important and its not important," when someone is getting upset about something. I don't know where she got it. She also says, "I'm not kidding (tidding)," after everything. Or she'll say, "Are you serious or are you tidding me?" She also started writing letters in the air. Guess she visualizes them better that way.
Rick and I had an early Valentine's date. We didn't know when we'd be able to get a babysitter and we had one scheduled for Monday night when our plans fell through. So we decided we'd better take our chance. We went to eat at Goodwood BBQ. YUMMY. We shared some ribs and they were delicious. Thanks to our friends who gave us that gift certificate for Christmas. Then we went to see "New in Town". It was silly, but we laughed through the whole thing so we considered it a success. Plus all the kids were asleep when we got home. Thanks Belinda and Josh for babysitting (and the movie gift certificate). You are great and we had a wonderful time.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Unexpected Trip
So we were running some errands Thursday night and my sister, Carisa, called me and said, "So, you want to go to St. George with me? Tonight?" She then explained that she had a conference for music teachers and needed some company. I sat there stunned for a minute trying to figure out if really could swing it or not. She was taking her oldest, Sharice who is 13 and her youngest, 5 year old Evynn. We decided I'd better take Annie and Darren while Rick kept Carlyn. I had to make a couple of calls to rearrange things but with Rick's help I was able to go.
My sister is having a rough time right now and she needed some support besides needing someone to help drive. I took off as soon as I could and met them in Nephi and proceeded to St. George. Luckily, I'm a night owl and drove the whole way even though she slept almost the whole way. The other kids fell asleep easily but Darren didn't want to settle down. When we got there we crashed quickly but Carisa was wound up and helped D get to sleep about 2 am!
Carisa took off early and we ate breakfast at the hotel. After that we went swimming in the warm pool in the cold outdoors. Sharice wanted to take Darren, but put him down in the kiddie pool and jumped into the big pool. D immediately went face down and I had to run to him to pull him out. I was still kind of grumpy from lack of sleep and yelled at Sharice, though in my defense I was scared to death. We had some drama ensuing from that. No fun! We had some lunch and went back to the hotel. I wanted to make up for a bad experience earlier so we went swimming again. Poor little D was then terrified of the water. I felt so bad, but I didn't want him to be scared. So, I encouraged him to go in whenever he would, but mostly he wanted to play around the sides. He got hurt by falling so many times then and also in the hotel room. He's just at that phase. He was really cute with Carisa hugging her and wanting her over me. It was actually kind of nice because Annie was pretty clingy and everyone was grumpy from lack of sleep. We had a nice dinner at Pizza Hut and we all crashed pretty early.
The next day was a little colder so it was a little longer because the kids and I were trapped in the room more. It was colder and overcast with occasional rain. Sharice begged all day to go swimming, but I just couldn't take the little kids in that cold, plus I didn't want to. I guess I should have, because it would have made the day a lot more tolerable, but I just couldn't make myself. We did take a DVD player hoping to hook it up in the room, but the tv didn't have the hookups for it. Annoying! Because it was Saturday there was nothing on tv and the kids weren't that interested. We did go to the visitor's center at the temple before lunch and then for a long drive before walking around the temple in the afternoon, but we still spent too many hours in the hotel room.
At the time I was thinking of all the funny things the kids were saying and doing that I could blog about, but now, a couple days later, I can't remember. We went to dinner at a Chinese place Saturday night and Darren was so cute. He ate so well for Carisa, but only from her chopsticks. Then his fortune said, "You will soon be center of attention." I laughed so hard because he's always the center of attention. Annie's said, "Your hard work is about to pay off. Congratulations!" :) Too funny.
Carlyn and Anneliese had some really cute phone conversations. I heard:
Carlyn: I miss you Annie.
Annie: I miss you too.
Carlyn: What are you doing?
Annie: Sitting in a hotel. We went to dinner and had pizza. Mommy made it.
Carlyn: She made pizza? Wow.
Annie: Yeah we have a microwave in our room.
Carlyn: And a fridge?
Annie: Yeah.
Carlyn: Where's the fridge?
Annie: In the room
Carlyn: Well, I can't stick my head through the phone and see it. Where is it?
Annie: By the bathroom.
Carlyn: Oh.
To kill a little time Saturday afternoon I tried giving the little ones a bath. Darren normally loves baths, but didn't want to get in, so I had Annie get in first. She climbed in but Darren wouldn't so I put his diaper back on and let Evynn get in. D then tried to climb into the tub until I took off his diaper. Sharice said, "I think he wants a swim diaper." I never would have thought of that, but she brought it in and I put it on him. He then got in with the swim diaper. He also wouldn't let Sharice change his diaper while we were there. Crazy kid.
We were really missing Daddy and Linney and were happy to leave Sunday morning. The trip was long, but not too bad (maybe it helped having a 12 hour trip from CA to make a 5 hour trip seem short.) It was snowing some and I had to stop at my parent's house to trade vans, but we got home about 4. Rick had made some dinner in a crock pot and had done a great job with Carlyn and keeping up with the house. I am really thankful to such a sweet husband who let me go and helped so much.
My sister is having a rough time right now and she needed some support besides needing someone to help drive. I took off as soon as I could and met them in Nephi and proceeded to St. George. Luckily, I'm a night owl and drove the whole way even though she slept almost the whole way. The other kids fell asleep easily but Darren didn't want to settle down. When we got there we crashed quickly but Carisa was wound up and helped D get to sleep about 2 am!
Carisa took off early and we ate breakfast at the hotel. After that we went swimming in the warm pool in the cold outdoors. Sharice wanted to take Darren, but put him down in the kiddie pool and jumped into the big pool. D immediately went face down and I had to run to him to pull him out. I was still kind of grumpy from lack of sleep and yelled at Sharice, though in my defense I was scared to death. We had some drama ensuing from that. No fun! We had some lunch and went back to the hotel. I wanted to make up for a bad experience earlier so we went swimming again. Poor little D was then terrified of the water. I felt so bad, but I didn't want him to be scared. So, I encouraged him to go in whenever he would, but mostly he wanted to play around the sides. He got hurt by falling so many times then and also in the hotel room. He's just at that phase. He was really cute with Carisa hugging her and wanting her over me. It was actually kind of nice because Annie was pretty clingy and everyone was grumpy from lack of sleep. We had a nice dinner at Pizza Hut and we all crashed pretty early.
The next day was a little colder so it was a little longer because the kids and I were trapped in the room more. It was colder and overcast with occasional rain. Sharice begged all day to go swimming, but I just couldn't take the little kids in that cold, plus I didn't want to. I guess I should have, because it would have made the day a lot more tolerable, but I just couldn't make myself. We did take a DVD player hoping to hook it up in the room, but the tv didn't have the hookups for it. Annoying! Because it was Saturday there was nothing on tv and the kids weren't that interested. We did go to the visitor's center at the temple before lunch and then for a long drive before walking around the temple in the afternoon, but we still spent too many hours in the hotel room.
At the time I was thinking of all the funny things the kids were saying and doing that I could blog about, but now, a couple days later, I can't remember. We went to dinner at a Chinese place Saturday night and Darren was so cute. He ate so well for Carisa, but only from her chopsticks. Then his fortune said, "You will soon be center of attention." I laughed so hard because he's always the center of attention. Annie's said, "Your hard work is about to pay off. Congratulations!" :) Too funny.
Carlyn and Anneliese had some really cute phone conversations. I heard:
Carlyn: I miss you Annie.
Annie: I miss you too.
Carlyn: What are you doing?
Annie: Sitting in a hotel. We went to dinner and had pizza. Mommy made it.
Carlyn: She made pizza? Wow.
Annie: Yeah we have a microwave in our room.
Carlyn: And a fridge?
Annie: Yeah.
Carlyn: Where's the fridge?
Annie: In the room
Carlyn: Well, I can't stick my head through the phone and see it. Where is it?
Annie: By the bathroom.
Carlyn: Oh.
To kill a little time Saturday afternoon I tried giving the little ones a bath. Darren normally loves baths, but didn't want to get in, so I had Annie get in first. She climbed in but Darren wouldn't so I put his diaper back on and let Evynn get in. D then tried to climb into the tub until I took off his diaper. Sharice said, "I think he wants a swim diaper." I never would have thought of that, but she brought it in and I put it on him. He then got in with the swim diaper. He also wouldn't let Sharice change his diaper while we were there. Crazy kid.
We were really missing Daddy and Linney and were happy to leave Sunday morning. The trip was long, but not too bad (maybe it helped having a 12 hour trip from CA to make a 5 hour trip seem short.) It was snowing some and I had to stop at my parent's house to trade vans, but we got home about 4. Rick had made some dinner in a crock pot and had done a great job with Carlyn and keeping up with the house. I am really thankful to such a sweet husband who let me go and helped so much.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Ultrasound for Charlie
Thanks for voting in my poll. I am one who would have said I could never not find out, so I guess I would have been wrong! I'm now 21 weeks as of Friday. I had my ultrasound on Wednesday where they put my due date back 11 days, so not quite 2 full weeks. The new due date is June 12th, which is a Friday, so the doctor said he/she would be born a week earlier probably the 4th or 5th. It is always very reassuring, as many of you agree, to go to the ultrasound and see everything for yourself. I love to see the little one with his/her tiny heartbeat and see the spine, head, fingers, toes, etc. I just love it! I'm always quite paranoid until I can see it for myself. 
These pictures aren't as clear here as the actual ones, but the 3rd picture you can see the head again with one hand above the head and the other over the chest on the left side of the picture. Carlyn especially loved that she could see the hands. The last picture is where you can see the under side of the bum, the right leg and the feet. This is also the one that makes us think that possibly it could be a boy because there is a definite shadow there between, but the ultrasound tech said not to judge by that but she may have been covering up for showing us too much too. :) We really are okay either way. I think its a girl and Rick thinks it is a boy so we'll be happy with either and surprised either way!

In the first picture you can see a really good profile of the baby, on the tape you can see his/her mouth opening and closing as he/she swallows. (I hate to say "it".) In the 2nd picture you get a different view of the skull.

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