Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Things Kids Say #2

I usually can't remember the funny things my kids say, but these last few days maybe I needed a laugh or maybe my kids are just funny. Anyway, the other day we were working on Carlyn's "All About Me" poster for preschool. Hers was: (the condensed version.)

Me: What is your favorite place?
Carlyn: Chuck-E-Cheese!
Me: Not Disneyland? (she's always talking about Disneyland even though the last time we went she was 6 months old.)
Carlyn: No. Just Chuck-E-Cheese
Me: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Carlyn: A bus driver.
Me: What? Not a pizza cooker anymore? Or last time you said a Mom.
Carlyn: No. I don't know why. Just a bus driver.
Me: What is your favorite thing to do?
Carlyn: Crafts
Me: Really? That's your favorite thing to do? Not swing or ride bikes or play on the computer?
Carlyn: Well, no. I guess my favorite thing to do is play with friends.
Me: Ok. That's fun. If you had one wish, what would you wish for? (I'm thinking it will be to go to Disneyland.)
Carlyn: I would have a pony. A real live pony. Yeah. I would really like that.

I'm shocked. The girl knows what she wants. For now, at least. Then Annie pipes up and says, "Me too! Me too!"

Me: What is your favorite place?
Annie: Here.
Me: Home?
Annie: Yeah. Home. With you. (Oh how sweet.)
Me: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Annie: A race car driver! (without hesitation. Let me remind you she's barely 3!)
Me: Oh. That sounds exciting. What is your favorite thing to do?
Annie: DANCE! (followed by a little move)
Me: And If you had one wish, what would you wish for?
Annie: A pig farm!

The kid had me in stitches. She knows what she wants too. I thought Carlyn's was pretty great until my little ham came in and stole the show. Oh Annie you are a hoot.

To understand this next one, you need to know that when I get frustrated I say "Good night, kid" or something like that. Today she kept walking in my way and we tripped over each other. I started to get frustrated as this is a new habit of hers and she said, "Good night, mom." She looked up at me and we both cracked up.

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