Friday, September 19, 2008

Fun Stuff!

I almost forgot to put up these pictures of a family party a couple weeks ago. We had a great meal and a good time, but the highlight was the pinata for the kids. They were all cute and had plenty of candy and we didn't have any America's Funniest Videos moments (though there was a close call.)

Darren's turn-he thought he was big enough to do it himself, but couldn't hold the bat.
Carlyn whacked it really hard but it doesn't seem that way in this pic.
Annie didn't do too bad either.After choir practice for Stake Conference Saturday morning I came home to Annie throwing a fit, but she was supposed to be a waiter ushering me to my seat for breakfast that Rick made. This is our little drama guy. If I don't pick him up as soon as he wakes up it is DRAMA. He was even more mad because I decided to grab the camera instead of him.
We've been looking for a used upright freezer for some time now and we always call just after they are sold. This time let me down and I found it on craigslist. We got a great deal too. I need to go grocery shopping to fill it up, but so far I just got ice cream with the kids. My friend Debbie from college and I have tried to get together several times in the last months. Every time we plan it one of our kids get sick. The same thing happened last week, but this week we got lucky. She came down on Thursday and the kids played, we ate lunch, and we all had a great time. I'm so glad that we got a chance to catch up more than by blogging. Our kids are pretty close to the same ages and they had a great time. They didn't want to say goodbye. Thanks for coming Deb, it was GREAT!
This is our jungle/desert where the kids had a great time playing.
Seriously, I took about 12 pictures of these guys and all of them are blurry! They are only a few months apart and were very cute playing together.
The 4 girlies. So cute! They are so much alike too. Reading my friend's blog I always think how similar they are and she says the same too.

After they left the girls were pooped and had a nice rest on the couch. Playing wears you out!
Later we went to the library where they had tattoos at the children's desk instead of stickers. Love Annie's? I wanted to dress her in biker chic clothes today. Its awesome!
Carlyn's is a pirate octopus reading books. We finished the day with a quick trip to the store and ice cream cones. D is a pro.
This is what we do when Carlyn is at preschool. They really do love each other.
A neighbor that Rick did computer work for gave him just the right amount of peaches to make a peach pie. I used my mom's recipe and it was fabulous! Delicious.


Debbie said...

That was such a fun day. Thanks for everything!

jbow said...

Your pie looks so yummy, remember we're just right across the street!!